Parisian and Alicante Bar Associations

Parisian (France) and Alicante (Spain) Bar Associations

Located in Spain, in the city of Alicante, our law firm was founded in 2001 by Sènakpon Gbassi, a professional lawyer from Paris and Alicante.

In 1995 he obtained the French Law diploma “Certificat d’Aptitude à la Profession d’Avocat”. Later, in 2001, he graduated in Spanish Law from the University of Alicante.

Sènakpon Gbassi collaborates with the French and Canadian General Consulates in Madrid, as well as the British Consulate in Alicante. He also manages a law firm in Valencia.

Last wills, donations
and inheritances

We advise non-residents on the preparation of their will. We appraise assets and make a prediction of your taxes and costs. We take charge of the total management of inheritances in Spain or France, whether friendly or judicial.

We take care of researching and evaluating inheritance assets, unlocking bank accounts, opening vaults, obtaining enforceable copies of last wills as well as the Spanish fiscal identification number, domiciling non-resident clients in Spain, preparing powers of attorney in a language of your choice, obtaining last wills as well as certificates of life insurance, estimating and liquidating taxes, dissolving the marital regime, signing the certificate of adjudication, presenting the declaration of succession at the Spanish tax agency, changing ownerships at the property register and closing bank accounts. With a power of attorney, we will take care of everything in order to make your life easier.

What we can help you with

Learn about our activities

Investing in Spanish
real estate

We accompany the client, always in their language, from inquiring about the property and the calculation of foreseeable costs until the actual registration of the property.

We secure your real estate investment within all of Spain by following these steps:

This phase consists of making sure the property that you wish to acquire truly belongs to who wishes to sell it and that it is neither seized nor mortgaged, before making any kind of payment to the seller or their agency. In order to help you make an informed decision, we make an assessment on the overall cost of your investment, including price, taxes, a withholding of 3%, lawyer fees and all expenses. This also includes the municipal added value tax to be paid by the seller and which we will withhold from the price should the seller be a non-resident within fiscal regulations;

In order to carry out this task, we will obtain a copy of the certificate of ownership or a payment of the last property tax from the seller or their agency. We will consult the Property Register and will inform you within 24 hours on the current state of the property.

We take care of the following:
  • Preparing the sales agreement in English, as well as in Spanish, in order to ensure the following measures until an agreement is signed;
  • Verifying the existence of possible debts (property tax, community expenses, water, electricity, gas);
  • Assisting you at the signature of the sales agreement;
  • Requesting and obtaining your Spanish non-resident identification number or NIE;
  • Converting your non-resident identification number to a tax number at the fiscal administration;
  • Fiscal domiciliation of the clients, should they reside abroad;
  • Preparing the sales contract at the notary’s office;
  • Requesting for funds at French or Belgian banks;
  • Assisting you at the signature of the sales contract and making sure everything is translated correctly;
  • Preparing and presenting tax models at the fiscal administration;
  • Withholding 3% at the fiscal administration;
  • Paying the land transfer fees, a 10% tax on the selling price;
  • Registering the new ownership at the Property Register;
  • Opening a Spanish non-resident bank account and setting up a direct debit for all property related expenses (water, electricity, property tax, waste tax, insurance, community expenses);
  • Registering the new ownership at the Land Register, as well as at the resident’s association;
  • Contracting services such as water, electricity, gas and insurance.

We apply French law in Spain

We issue the certificate of effect for French laws regarding family law and inheritance law.

We enforce foreign rulings in Spain

We enforce rulings passed inside and outside the European Union.

Know us better
Members of the Initiadroit Association, composed of 700 lawyers in France
Members of the French Lawyers Abroad Association, uniting Parisian lawyers working in 31 different countries all across the world.
Members of the International Wine Law Association.

Get in touch with us

Any doubts?

Seguro de responsabilidad civil profesional

Nuestro seguro profesional, en vigor, cubre hasta 3.700.000 euros por expediente.
Ampliaremos el importe de indemnización si así lo exige la tramitación de su expediente.
Le facilitaremos toda la información necesaria.

Lugares de reclamación:
En Francia: Ordre des avocats de Paris, 4, boulevard du Palais, CS80420, 75053 Paris Cedex 01
En España: Ilustre Colegio de la Abogacía de Alicante, Calle Gravina, 4, bajo, 03002 Alicante
Aseguradora: AON, Calle Rosario Pino 14-16, 28020 Madrid, Póliza nº PI-01672818J7

Civil liability insurance

Our insurance, in force, covers us up to 3,700,000 euros per claim.
We will increase coverage if the economic stakes of your case require it.
Supporting documents are at your disposal.

Places of complaint:
In France: Paris Bar Association, 4, boulevard du Palais, CS80420, 75053 Paris Cedex 01
In Spain: Ilustre Colegio de la Abogacía de Alicante, Calle Gravina, 4, bajo, 03002 Alicante
Insurance company: AON, Calle Rosario Pino 14-16, 28020 Madrid, contract nº PI-01672818J7